Please read the following from your Buddhist Psychology course book:
Chapter 3, Mental Afflictions p.43 to p.54
- Variable Mental Factors, p.43
- Sleep, p.43
- Regret, p.44
- General Examination, p.45
- Precise Analysis, p.45
- The Three Zones, p.45
- Unwholesome Mental Factors, p.48
- The First Zone and the Three Main Mental Afflictions, p.50
- Ignorance, p.51
- Attachment, p.53
- Aversion, p.54
Supplementary reading (optional):
- Mind in Tibetan Buddhism, Intro: p.37-39
- The Mind and its Functions, Chapter 7: Mental Factors, p. 121-123 (end of the chapter); Chapter 9: The Unwholesome Mental Factors, p.139-151
Please mark complete when you have finished reading these pages so you can move onto the next activity.