We are delighted to share news with you of the launch of Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering’s new podcast series: A Buddhist Life with Geshe Tashi Tsering. In this series Geshe Tashi, in his typically humorous, warm-hearted and accessible style, chooses topics from His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Daily Inspirations for discussion and reflection. It is hosted on our sister site, GesheTashi.org.
We now have three episodes ready for you to enjoy.
Episode 1 – Introduction to the Series
In this first episode, Geshe Tashi introduces the series.
Episode 2 – Can we find happiness in external things?
In this episode, Geshe Tashi chooses the Daily Inspiration for the 2nd February, and discusses whether we can find happiness in external things, such as money or technology?
Episode 3 – How can we make a difference in the wider world?
In this episode, in the light of his own experience as abbot of a Buddhist monastery, Geshe Tashi discusses His Holiness’s Daily Inspiration for the 27th February: can we make a difference in the wider world, and if so, how do we go about this without getting discouraged?
For those of you enrolled on the Foundation of Buddhist Thought course, you may find episode 2 particularly relevant to our recent topic: You are Your Own Refuge. We had some really great forum discussions around this, we think you will enjoy Geshe Tashi’s perspective.
You can read about the launch of the Podcast series, along with a description of the episodes, here: https://geshetashi.org/launching-the-new-podcast-a-buddhist-life-with-geshe-tashi-tsering/
and you can find episode 3 here: https://geshetashi.org/a-buddhist-life-with-geshe-tashi-tsering-ep-3-how-can-we-make-a-difference-in-the-wider-world/
We will be listing on Apple Podcasts (this takes 5 to 14 days to process) and Spotify (up to 5 days), so do come and find us in these podcast directories under Religion/Buddhism, and help us with reviews and positive feedback. And please tell your friends, family and colleagues!
We hope you enjoy these really great little episodes from Geshe-la, we loved them.
With very best wishes,
Peter & Tri