Week 2 Sample, The Foundation of Buddhist Thought Course
Week 2: Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion
5 Topics
1 Quiz
Meditation on Being Your Own Refuge
Reading: Studying the Four Noble Truths
Viewing: The two Sets of Cause & Effect, Being our Own Refuge, and Chapter 1 Q&A
Viewing: Concluding prayers
Forum: Your week 2 discussion
Review Quiz: Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion
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Week 2: Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion
Week 2 Sample, The Foundation of Buddhist Thought Course
Week 2: Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion
Week Content
0% Complete
0/5 Steps
Meditation on Being Your Own Refuge
Reading: Studying the Four Noble Truths
Viewing: The two Sets of Cause & Effect, Being our Own Refuge, and Chapter 1 Q&A
Viewing: Concluding prayers
Forum: Your week 2 discussion
Review Quiz: Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion
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