DESCRIPTION: Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering, abbot of Sera Mey monastery, will once again be teaching from The Book of Kadam, also known as The Miraculous Book of Kadam, attributed to Lama Atisha and Geshe Dromtönpa. This time he will be giving a series of four classes over two weekends, commenting on Chapter 6 of The Jewel Garland of Dialogues: How All Blame Lies in a Single Point.
These teachings from the Book of Kadam are part of the Lojong or Mind Training tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and specialise in practices to help us face the various challenges and adversities that life brings. It is Geshe Tashi’s feeling that this particular text can help us understand how to bring our spiritual practice to bear in times of increased conflict and violent world events. Bringing these events down to a personal level, how can we best handle these challenges?
Geshe Tashi’s trademark style is part scholarly – he brings an exceptional depth of knowledge, experience and wisdom to the material; and a large part down to earth – how we can best apply these teachings to our everyday lives. These teachings are always extraordinary, and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.
DATES: The weekend of the 18th & 19th of November; and the weekend of the 2nd & 3rd of December. To register for each class, please scroll down to the red button below.
TIME: 9am to 10.15am UK time each Saturday and Sunday, 2.30pm in India. Please double check your local time zones here.
LOCATION: These teachings will be available to join as a Zoom meeting and also live on Facebook. The recordings of these classes will be available on our blog, on our FBT YouTube channel, and immediately afterwards on our Facebook channel.
TEXT: The Book of Kadam by Lama Atisha and Geshe Dromtunpa, translated by Geshe Thubten Jinpa. Chapter 6 of The Jewel Garland of Dialogues: How All Blame Lies in a Single Point. Published by Wisdom Publications. You can find a PDF of the reading here.
REGISTRATION & DONATIONS: You will need to enter some amount to register for each weekend. This can be £0.00. Registering for the first weekend will automatically register you for the first two classes, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. You will need to register again for the second weekend, which will cover classes three and four. PayPal processes the donations, but you do not need a PayPal account to register. Recently, however, Pay Pal has changed its policy, which means you do now need to give them your details in order to make a donation.
A few people have struggled with the registration process, and we’ve made a visual guide which we hope will help. You can see it by clicking here.
- All donations go through the FBT’s bank account, set up as a Community Interest Company.
- Half of all donations will go to Geshe Tashi and his charitable projects.
- The other half will go towards the growing costs of running both sites and hosting these teachings.
A big thank you from us and from Geshe la for all your very generous donations last year. From our side this has allowed us to spend the time we need organising these classes, and to employ a part time assistant, James, to help with the video editing. Many thanks again for your generosity.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: To join Geshe Tashi in the Zoom Meeting, please register for the next upcoming class using the button below. You will need to register once each weekend. Currently the Meeting is limited to 100 participants per week on a first come first served basis. When you register successfully you will receive an email from Zoom with the meeting link. We have updated our site to allow instant order completion. If you don’t receive your link immediately, please check your junk mail. If you still have no luck, please contact us.
You can view all previous classes below, as well as these most recent classes on our blog page on
Selected Suttas of the Buddha. 1st reading here; 2nd reading here.
Practising Vajrasattva: Purification & The Four Powers. Reading available here.
Practising Tantra: His Holiness’s Chenrezig Sadhana. Reading available here.
Ganden Hla Gyama – A Hundred Deities of the Joyful Land. Reading available here.
A Prayer for Birth in Sukhavati. Reading available here.
Experiencing The King of Prayers. Reading available here
Geshe Tashi’s Practising Buddhism in a Pandemic series
Our Podcast series: A Buddhist Life with Geshe Tashi Tsering