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      What is samsara?  Geshe Tashi says it is not this planet, the place where we were born; it is not our five aggregates, these are instead the basis of samsara; it is not the 12 links, these are the means of samsara; it is not delusion and karma, these are the driving force of samsara.  So, he asks, what is samsara?  He says that it is not having any control over where we are born and how we are born, and it is being subject to this situation moment by moment, continuously without end.  That is samsara.

      What of our aggregates, friends, possessions and so on?  He says these things are samsaric.  He compares their relation to samsara to the logs and detritus caught up in the current of a river in flood.

      From the perspective of your life and situation, can you relate to his description of what samsara is?  In what way?

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