Welcome to our Foundations of Buddhist Thought shop page for our courses and FBT sponsored teachings.

Please choose one of the items below to pay for your course or make a donation and register with your live teaching class. 

The Foundation of Buddhist Thought Course

Refunds: Before paying for the FBT course, we encourage you to read our Refund Policy here.

Course materials: Many people already have the course books and so for practical purposes, we don’t include the course books in the price of the course. Course books can be ordered from the publisher, Wisdom Publications, from Abe Books, or from Amazon. All six books are by Geshe Tashi Tsering and the titles are: The Four Noble Truths; Relative Truth, Ultimate Truth; Buddhist Psychology; The Awakening Mind; Emptiness; and Tantra.

Live Teachings with Geshe Tashi

To register for the teachings, you will need to fill in the voluntary donation field (it can be 0.00).  All donations go through the FBT’s bank account, set up as a Community Interest Company.

Half of all donations will go to Geshe Tashi and his charitable projects.

The other half will go towards the growing costs of running both sites and hosting the teachings.

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